Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

because they were not jumping on the Dana money train like everyone else (to that
I’ll just say, “My, how things change”). I could NOT believe Dana was really going to
do this; it was just inconceivable to me. On the way out of the hotel room, I grabbed
his son and said, “You’re coming with Grammy.” If I had not taken him with me when
I left, Dana would have never showed up at the church for Gillian’s christening.
Dana and Anne finally did make an appearance five minutes late. Just before they
arrived, Kelly kept asking, “Where are Dana and Anne? Someone call them and find
out where they are.” I didn’t tell Kelly what had just gone on at the hotel. I didn’t
want to ruin the whole day for her. When the christening was over, Dana disappeared
before I could talk to him.
Kelly had reserved a room at a restaurant for drinks and dinner after the
christening. Everyone headed over to the restaurant. At first I thought Dana had
gotten lost or stopped on the way to get something. I thought, if they were lost, he
would really be in an ugly mood when he showed up. Finally, my brother tells us, “Oh
Dana’s gone, he left to go back to Las Vegas. His jet was waiting for him.” My brother
proceeds to tell Kelly that Dana was not even going to go to the christening but I had
taken little Dana from the hotel and he had to come and get him. Of course upon
hearing this his sister is devastated. She could not understand why Dana would have
done this to her. Through the whole dinner, all she did was cry. An event that should
have been so happy and special, Dana made sure he ruined for everyone. I had had it
with him after his complete disrespect for his sister and the christening. That was the
big family thing that Dana didn’t want to talk about with the writer from Rolling
, the reason Dana and I didn’t speak for a long time.
In that same article in Rolling Stone is a section titled “The Wisdom of Dana
White,” and one subtitle is “Women.” Dana stated to the writer, “What I’ve learned
from women is they’re all fucking crazy. You find one that deals with your craziness
and make the best. The grass is never greener.” If anyone knows from whence he
speaks, it is Dana. There has been plenty, and I do mean plenty, of grass that he
thought was greener. He makes Tiger look like a choirboy. I have news for my son: not
all women are crazy. Between your wife and your sister-in-law (he calls her his second

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