Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

wife, and I won’t even go down that road), you’ve just become so used to women who
are mean and nasty in your life that you think it’s normal.
Dana and his wife honeymooned in Hawaii after their wedding. When they
returned to Las Vegas from the honeymoon, Dana had one of the worst black eyes I’ve
ever seen. It was horrifying. When he first came home from his honeymoon, he told
everyone he had jumped on the bed at the hotel, overshot the bed, and hit the
bedside table. I knew that wasn’t true, I can tell when he’s lying, and later he told
me what had really happened. He said his new wife blindsided him with a vase or a
lamp, knocking him unconscious and splitting his eye open. The hotel staff called an
ambulance to take him to the emergency room, where he received stitches to close
the gash just above his eye. If the cut had been any lower, he would have lost his eye.
This type of behavior goes on constantly. They are always fighting, and she is the
physical abuser. Money sometimes does not fix everything, but then, some things just
cannot be fixed.
I was with one of Dana’s friends in Las Vegas one day, and he said to me, “I wish I
could find someone like Dana has for a wife.”
I looked at him and I said, “Watch out what you wish for.” He was quite surprised
by my comment and wanted to know what I meant by it. I said, “I’m not going to say
any more.” He saw me about a year later and said, “I know what you meant by your
statement that day in Las Vegas.” He said he had recently spent two weeks with
Dana and Anne in Las Vegas.
I can’t stand to be in an atmosphere of constant fighting and the stress it creates
for everyone. People who create those situations are selfish and inconsiderate, and it
was obvious Anne could care less about anyone else. I cannot stand the thought of
spending time in a house where everyone is fighting and miserable, that was Dana and
Anne’s house. How sad, they seem to have everything, (that money can buy) and they
are two miserable people.
Dana likes to gamble, and that was true even before all the success and money.
There was an assortment of weekend sports betting and playing the roulette tables.
He would play the same numbers all the time on the roulette tables, which actually
worked out for him because he seemed to win quite often. When Dana bought his first

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