Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

or move. They did not have insurance or much money, and so she dragged him onto
the couch in the living room and left him there for days. He eventually got his speech
and movement back a little at a time, and the only lingering telltale sign of his stroke
was the bad leg.
As Dana spent time around his grandparents, a bond between Dana and his
grandfather developed. David and Ilene moved back to Maine, and we would drive up
to spend a weekend. Sometimes I let Dana stay for a week with his grandfather, and
the two of them would play checkers and go to the local school to see a wrestling
match. Dana’s grandfather had an old pickup truck that was broken down and sitting
off to the side of the front yard, weeds and bushes growing up around it as it tilted
off to one side on a slight hill. The windshield had a crack across it, and the paint on
the body was chipped and flaking with bits of rust showing through. Dana and his
grandfather would go out and sit in that old truck, Dana in the driver’s seat, and the
two of them would act as if they were going places. Dana loved sitting out there in
that old broken down truck that went nowhere except in a little boy’s vivid
imagination. Dana visited his grandparents as often as we could get up to Maine,
which was a long drive from Connecticut, but when he started school it was too
difficult to find the time to drive all the way up there and have to come back in a day
or two. David died after a brief illness when Dana was still very young.
After spending the summer before seventh grade in Maine, Dana decided he
didn’t want to return to Las Vegas for school, he stayed in Maine for that school year
and lived with his grandmother. All his aunts, uncles, and cousins on his father’s side
lived there, and Dana was close to many of them, especially one of his male cousins,
Kenny, and his Aunt Bev. Bev passed away six years ago from breast cancer, a special
woman who died too soon.
While living in Maine that year one of Dana’s uncles bought him a horse. Dana
and his sister rode his horse whenever they were visiting in Maine. Next to his
grandmother’s house, there was a rooster that resided in the neighbor’s yard. One
day Dana thought it would be funny to chase this rooster and scare it. That old
rooster turned the tables on Dana. Roosters are not friendly little creatures, and
unlike wild birds, they do not fly away when confronted. I was laughing the minute

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