Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

Dana’s grandmother and uncle started telling me the story because I knew where it
was going. When I was in fourth grade and my older brother, Dennis, was in sixth
grade, we worked on a chicken farm. God, how I hated working there. It truly was
miserable. The farmer was a mean, nasty person, and the chickens were just as mean
and nasty. So I knew what Dana was in for if he was going after a rooster. The rooster
that Dana thought he was going to terrorize went at him instead, and that rooster
chased Dana all over the place. From that day on, every time the rooster spotted
Dana outside, the bird would go after him and Dana would take off running, terrified.
His uncle and grandmother told everyone the story of big bad Dana and the rooster
who terrorized him, and they could not stop laughing every time they told someone
new the story. They said it was one of the funniest things they had ever seen.
Dana returned to Maine for part of his senior year of high school after problems in
Las Vegas and graduated from Herman High School in June of 1987. I imagine he heard
that story about the rooster told over and over until he left Maine after graduation.

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