Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

and they had a grandson who was Dana’s age. Dana sometimes went to the landlord’s
apartment when their grandson was visiting them to play with him.
Dana had a little red tricycle that he rode up and down the sidewalk that led to
the house and went under the archway to the backyard. One afternoon after we
returned from the beach, I was upstairs fixing lunch and Dana was riding his bike up
and down the sidewalk. One of the wheels on his bike squeaked, so I could hear the
squeaking sound as he pedaled up and down the sidewalk on his bike. After only a few
minutes, the squeaking stopped. I waited about a minute for it to start again, and
when it didn’t, I looked out the window. I could not see him in the front yard. I went
downstairs and looked around the front yard. I did not see him. I then went into the
backyard, and he was not there either. I hollered up to the landlady and asked her if
Dana was in their apartment. She said, “No, he was in the front yard just a minute
ago.” My first thought twisted my stomach into a knot. I thought, oh my God,
someone has taken him. Then I realized his bike was not there either. It seemed
unlikely that someone would have taken his bike too. By now, the landlady had joined
me in the search and was looking around the yard.
My next thought was that he had gone to the beach, which was only a block away,
but he had to cross a busy street. I took off running for the beach, hoping I would find
him before he crossed the street. He was not at the street and I ran across to the
beach, praying he was not already at the water. Dana had a tendency at the beach to
walk into the water and just keep going until he was in over his head. Once he headed
into the water, I needed to be right beside him to grab him before he went too deep.
When I reached the beach, he was nowhere to be seen and neither was his bike.
I ran back toward the house, where there were now four other neighbors going
down the street, calling for Dana, and asking other neighbors if they’d seen him. I
headed up the street in the opposite direction that everyone else was looking. A block
north of us on the busy street was a small strip mall with a Laundromat, a mom and
pop grocery store, and a barbershop. Next to that was a gas station and garage. As I
got closer to the Laundromat, I could see that a crowd of people were standing
outside. As I reached the crowd, I saw Dana in the middle of all the people. He was
sitting on his bike and talking to them. He had ridden his bike to the gas station,

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