Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

show up and if he would have any money left for groceries and rent. I certainly did
not have to worry about dieting back then.
Dana’s father was abusive when he drank; he was a nasty drunk, one of those
people who shouldn’t drink. We were out with a group of friends one night before we
were married when he became drunk and all of a sudden out of nowhere and for no
apparent reason abusive. After that incident, I thought I had made it very clear to him
that I would never put up with that bullshit and that would be the end of any more
incidents with him. He acted as if the incident was just a onetime, crazy drunken
moment and it would never happen again. I had no reason not to believe him.
Unfortunately, it is true that men who are abusive do not just quit — it only gets
worse. While living in Broad Brook, Connecticut, Dana Sr. had gone out after work
with some of his friends for a couple beers. I was in the kitchen feeding Dana, who
was around ten months old, when his father came home. Dana Sr. came in
belligerent, swearing and demanding his dinner. I fixed a plate for him and placed it
on the table. He picked the plate up and threw it across the room, food flying
everywhere, and hollering that he was not going to eat “the slop” I had just served
him. Then out of nowhere, he punched me as hard as he could right in the jaw. I
never saw it coming. I honestly was seeing stars and thought I was going to pass out.
The next thing I knew, I had him up against the kitchen wall with a knife pressed
against his throat. The knife was sharp and had quickly broken the skin where it came
in contact with his neck making a small cut that blood was slowly beginning to trickle
from. He was screaming for me to stop and get control. Once I realized what I was
about to do, I slowly moved the knife away about an inch and said, “If you ever hit
me in front of that baby again, I will kill you.”
Dana Sr’s behavior in Florida was not anything that was promising for our future.
The thoughts of my children growing up in a household as I had grown up in were very
disturbing to me, and I knew I could not let that happen. As parents, we always want
something better for our children than we had, and I knew it was up to me to make
the difference for Dana and his sister. I could not wait any longer.
Dana Sr. did not come home again one night, and I knew I had to do something to
change the direction our lives were headed. I took the checkbook to the little corner

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