Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

grocery store and wrote a check for $300.00, I still feel guilty about that because
Dana never put money in our account to cover the check. That $300.00 was the cost
of two one-way plane tickets to Connecticut. I packed a bag for myself, which did not
take long. I did not have many clothes living in Florida and spending so much time at
the beach, a couple bathing suits, and a few pairs of shorts and couple of t-shirts. The
kids had more clothes than I did, although none of us had any winter clothes. I caught
a ride to the airport with a neighbor because I did not have enough money for a cab
to the airport, which was quite a distance from our apartment. I was twenty-one
years old and a high school dropout with two small babies, but I knew things could not
stay the way they were. I was leaving Florida with my children, leaving my husband
and heading toward a very unclear future.
It was December, and a blizzard was raging when I arrived in Connecticut with
Dana and his sister. I grabbed a cab to my mother’s house, which was only a mile
away from the airport. I had not called anyone to let them know what I was doing or
that I was on my way back to Connecticut. What a surprise when I walked in with my
suitcase and the two babies. Three of my brothers and my sister were all still living at
home. My mother, who was shocked to see us, asked, “What are you doing here?” I
told her I had left Dana and I was staying there with the kids until I figured out what
we were going to do next. My mother was not happy about our moving in, mostly
because she was planning on coming down to Florida for a few weeks with a friend
and staying with me and now my coming home had ruined her plans. My brothers,
whose room I took over for the kids and I were not very happy about giving up their
room to us. I took apart a bunk bed and used it as two separate beds. Dana slept in
one of the beds and I had the other bed. There was a crib between the two beds for
Two of my four brothers and most of their friends had chopped, custom
motorcycles at the time we moved back into my moms house. One of their friends,
Leroy, for some reason took to Dana and would come by the house if he was in the
area. Every time he came over the house, he would take Dana and put him in front of
him on the seat on his bike, put his shades on Dana, and slowly ride up the street.
Dana would lie back against Leroy as if he was Joe cool. A number of kids were

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