Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

Dana’s age in the neighborhood, and Dana loved it when the other kids were outside
when Leroy put him on the bike. Dana would wave at the kids as they rode by, and
the kids all thought it was so cool that Dana got to ride on the motorcycle. Dana
always liked being the center of attention, and that has not changed much over the
When Dana was a toddler, I read to him all the time, especially Dr. Seuss books.
By the time he was three years old, he had most of the books memorized. While still
at my mother’s house, Dana would sometimes ask his uncles or their friends if they
would like him to read a book to them. They would say yes trying to be nice to him.
He would then pick up one of his books and go through it as if he were reading each
page, turning to the next page at just the right time. They didn’t know he had
memorized the books and they thought he really could read, a few of them liked to
smoke so it would freak them out thinking he was only three years old reading these
books. They were amazed, which pleased Dana.
I bought a record album for Dana at that time, Snoopy and the Red Baron, and for
some reason, Dana absolutely loved every song on it. From the minute, he got up in
the morning until I put him to bed at night, he would play that music over and over
and over. I knew all the words to all the songs, and so did everyone else who lived at
the house. One of my brothers said he could not take another day, another hour, or
even another minute listening to it, and he hid the album. After the record was
missing for a few days, Dana seemed to forget about it and my brothers were all quite
In late fall, while still living at my mother’s house, Dana was in the backyard
playing and I was in the house when I heard the dog barking and barking. One of my
brothers had a dog, and Dana loved playing outside with him. I could not imagine why
the dog was barking so much, and I knew the neighbors would start complaining. I
went into one of the bedrooms and looked out the window to see what was going on.
At first, I could not see Dana or the dog. Then, as I looked toward the back of the
yard that went up a hill covered with large oak trees, I saw Dana on the ground. He
was lying face down with his arms over the back of his head. The barking dog was not
my brother’s dog but a large dog that looked like a wolf, and it was standing over

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