Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

Dana trying to bite his head and face. The dog was biting at his arms and pulling them
away from his face and head. I freaked out, and it was as if my feet could not move
fast enough to carry me out of the house, across the yard, and up the hill. As I ran
through the kitchen, a broom was leaning up against the wall and without even
thinking about it, I grabbed the broom as I ran past it. I headed up the hill screaming
at the top of my lungs, thinking my screams would scare the dog and he would run
off. That was not the case. The dog continued to attack Dana until I was almost on
top of him. Just as I reached the two of them, the dog turned on me, snarling,
growling, and showing his teeth. The dog continued to stand over Dana as if Dana was
his prey and he was not giving him up to me. Then, without warning, he lurched into
the air at me. I swung the broom so hard and so fast that beast never knew what hit
him. The broomstick broke in half. The dog went flying through the air and landed on
its side on the ground about three feet from us. Before the dog could get back up
again, I grabbed Dana, picked him up, and ran for dear life back toward the house. I
barely reached the house and got into the side door when the dog slammed right into
the door as I closed it behind us.
Dana was not crying. In fact, he did not even seem scared by the whole incident,
but he was confused as to why that dog was so bad and so mean. Thank God, it was
cold out because Dana had on a heavy winter coat, gloves, and a hat; and although
the dog had torn off the hat and one of his gloves, he seemed to be all right. I didn’t
notice any bite marks on his face, head, or neck, or any blood anywhere and so I
thought the coat, and the fact he had his arms over the back of his neck and head,
had protected him. Later that evening, when I was putting Dana in the tub for a bath,
I noticed bite marks on both his arms. The dog had bitten right through his coat, shirt,
and sweater and one of his ears was ripped in half. I dressed him and took him to the
hospital emergency room where they had to stitch his ear back together.
Dana told me that the strange dog came into the yard and started eating the food
that belonged to my brother’s dog. When Dana told him no and moved toward the
dog, the dog jumped on him, knocking him to the ground, and kept trying to bite him.
Thank God, Dana, even at the age of four, had the good sense to turn on his stomach

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