Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

him go on the raft by himself, and it would be very funny, but it all quickly backfired.
They were the ones who got scared when the current started moving the raft down
the river a lot faster than what they were expecting. After that, Dana was no longer
allowed to go with the brothers anymore, and their parents grounded both of them
for a long time. Dana did not realize that the boys did something that was mean and
dangerous. He thought it was great when one of the brothers jumped into the river to
help him.
Dana’s first little league game was in Ware. We were all there to watch him, the
whole family. All my brothers were (and still are) huge sports fans: baseball, football,
basketball, boxing, and karate. They especially followed all the Boston teams. My
brother George had a black belt in Tae Ka Won Do that he had received while a Green
Beret in Laos during the Vietnam War, and he taught Tae Ka Won Do when he first
returned to the states.
I was the only one out of six of us in the family who had children at the time, and
for seven years, Dana, and his sister were the only niece and nephew. Our family was
always very close, and so everyone in the family came to all of Dana and Kelly’s
events. We also spent Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Fourth of July together; and we
had family reunions every other year, even though at times we were spread out across
the country. We would have cookouts at each other’s houses, and when one of us
would rent a cottage at Hampton Beach, we always rented one with as many
bedrooms as we could get because we knew all the family and our friends would be
coming up. The beach was always great fun and a big part of all our lives. When my
brothers, sister, and I were little kids, my dad would save all year so we could go on a
two-week vacation to the beach. The tradition continued with all our kids, Dana and
his sister and their cousins, and it continues to this day with our grandchildren. There
were enough of us when we were older and had children that we had two full teams
for our wiffle ball games on the beach. Usually, the games were at the end of a day
spent at the beach or on a cloudy, cool day. When Dana got older, he always wanted
to be one of the captains, and my brother Dickie would be the other captain. The two
would argue over every call, and then spend the rest of the night arguing over every

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