Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

play of the game, the loser always saying that their team would have won except for
a bad call.
Two of my brothers, Dickie and Michael, were the kings of making sand castles.
They would spend endless hours making a sand castle with Dana and Kelly when they
were younger. Of course, the sand castle always had to be close enough to the water,
at low tide, so as the tide came in it would crash through the walls that surrounded
the main castle and fill moats until nothing was left of their hours of work. I don’t
know why, but that was always the best part of making the sand castles, watching the
waves turn them back to just sand on the beach. Then there was always a night at
Brown’s Lobster Pound for steamers, lobsters, and fish and chips; and you couldn’t
keep the family away from the arcades at night, especially Dana. The older he got,
the more he could not wait to go to the arcade, and when I say older I am talking
twenty and thirty and thirty-five years of age.
As I noted previously, when Dana played in his first little league baseball game,
the whole family was there to watch him. Dana was out in left field and looked so tiny
standing out there. His uniform was too big for him. The shirt came down to his knees
and the pants hung down onto his sneakers. After being on the field for only a few
minutes, I saw two men talking to him. I went down to the field to see what was going
on. They asked me how old he was and I told them he was six and would be seven in
July. They said he was young and small for his age and maybe I should consider taking
him out of little league until next year. I told them no, that he was old enough and
had tried out to be on a team, that he had been chosen to be on this team and he was
Most little boys at that age get bored playing in the outfield and do not pay a
whole lot of attention to the game, and Dana was no exception. At the very beginning
of the game, the boy who was up at bat cracked the ball high into the air and it was
heading right into left field where Dana was standing. We were all on our feet as the
ball headed directly to Dana, who did not have to move an inch to catch the ball. He
just had to put his glove out and the ball would fall right into it. What a surprise when
Dana just stood perfectly still and the ball fell right at his feet. Everyone was
screaming and hollering for Dana to pick up the ball as the batter ran around the

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