Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

Gorman High School expelled Dana not once, but twice. Someone recently asked
me why the school expelled him and I really couldn’t remember. It took very little to
be thrown out of Gorman. I believe the first time was for cutting school. After he was
expelled from Gorman, he went to Las Vegas High School, which Dana hated. He told
me every day that he wanted to go back to Gorman. Some of the boys at Las Vegas
High School terrorized Dana. When he was at Gorman, Dana and his friends had
started fights with some of the students at Las Vegas High School, now these boys
were thrilled to see Dana at their school. He would do anything he could to avoid
these boys, and every day they let him know they were going to kick his ass. It took a
lot of begging on my part to get him back into Gorman High School, but he didn’t
seem to learn a lesson from the first time, he was soon expelled again.
I was having problems with him at home too. The last straw was when he got into
a car accident driving his girlfriend’s grandparents’ car. Dana was at a party and had
been drinking. One of the girls he went to school with asked him for a ride home. He
said he would give her a ride home, a bad decision obviously, and lost control of the
car. Both of them were thrown from the car, but luckily, his passenger only had a cut
on her thigh and Dana escaped with contused kidneys, cuts, and bruises. He was lucky
he escaped with such few injuries, because he went through the windshield.
When Dana got out of the hospital, I sent him back to Maine to finish high school.
He had again broken one of my few rules: never drink and drive or get in a car with
someone who has been drinking. I worked in the recovery room and frequently saw
the results of kids drinking and driving. Dana and his sister were told they were to
stay where they were or call me or someone else to pick them up. Dana had once told
me I had taken all the fun out of drinking for him after telling him he could drink as
long as he was sensible about it, which meant no drinking and driving, no leaving the
place you where at once you started drinking.
While Dana was in Maine for his senior year, he called to tell me he wanted to
come home for Thanksgiving and Christmas. He told me to buy him a plane ticket so
he could be home for the longest amount of time and be with his friends. I was
annoyed and hurt that he did not ask me if I had the money to buy him a plane ticket,
but rather, demanded this be done for him. I was also annoyed and hurt that he did

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