Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

Arizona. It was April and winter was over, or so I thought. We drove straight into a
raging blizzard. The car was so weighted down with luggage, passengers, and the car I
was towing that tractor-trailer trucks were passing us as we drove up into the
mountains. I had the gas pedal floored again, but we were only going fifteen miles an
hour and I was afraid we were going to start sliding backward down the mountain. I
was white knuckled all the way to the desert of Arizona.
We stopped at a tourist store in the middle-of-nowhere Texas, (this was Texas 30
years ago) that had all kinds of cowboy and Indian souvenirs. Dana was excited about
moving to Las Vegas, thinking it would be full of cowboys and Indians. When he saw
all the items in this store, he just had to have this packet that contained a leather
Indian headband, a half inch leather piece with some beading that went around a
person’s bicep and a painted wooden tomahawk rounded out the contents of the
package. The armband had two leather strands that hung approximately six inches
from the main arm piece and attached to the ends of the leather strands were a
couple of white feathers. He was so excited when I relented to his pleas and
purchased the packet for him.
When we arrived in Las Vegas, we were very much like many of the tourists there.
We had never seen any of the sights or casinos, and so we headed downtown to
Fremont Street one night to see the casinos and the lights. Dana was excited about
going out because he wanted to wear his new Indian pieces, and believe me there was
no talking him out of it. Why squash childhood imagination or kill what might make
for great memories? Dana walked around downtown with no shirt on, barefoot, his
wooden tomahawk stuck in the loop of his jeans, and his head band and arm band in
place. Everyone was turning and staring at him as we walked by and he thought it was
because he looked so cool. I did not have the heart to tell him otherwise. Welcome to
Vegas, Indian Dana.
When we finally reached Las Vegas and the house, I had rented, the movers had
not yet delivered the furniture, (it was supposed to be there the week before we
arrived) and the realtor had not maintained the yard. The grass was brown and dead
and the pool looked like a black swamp. I was waiting for the swamp creature to
come crawling out of it. I went to the nearby drug store and bought four folding lawn

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