Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

to the car thinking that maybe they hiked out another way. As I am listening to his
story, I could not believe Dana was in the desert somewhere lost and it was now dark.
I left work and drove out toward Boulder Dam. Just as you pass a small casino before
the dam, you have to drive off the road down a steep hill into the desert. If you have
never been in the desert at night, let me tell you it is so black out there, you can’t
see two feet in front of you, and it is creepy. You feel that any minute some maniac is
going to jump out in front of you with some implement of dismemberment like in
slasher movies. Just sitting in the desert by myself in the dark was freaking me out;
my nerves were beginning to get the better of me. The only light was the beams
coming from my headlights and that only went two or three feet before being
completely swallowed up by the dark, desert night. You couldn’t see an inch further
and the desert was eerily quiet. I waited for half an hour, I was just getting ready to
leave when Michael walked out of the blackness and into the beam from my
headlights. My heart skipped about ten beats when I first saw this figure appear just
feet in front of my car, I didn’t realize it was him right away. It was now after ten
o’clock, and George and Dana still had not showed up.
After waiting another thirty minutes, I was getting ready to go to the police and
report the two of them missing and lost in the desert, when they both walked into the
beams of light coming from my car. George had seen Michael pull the rope up and
thought they could go around a different way, but in the desert, things that look close
are really a long way off. It began to get dark and they had no idea where they were.
At one point, they were at the top of what George thought was a small rock
outcropping that they needed to climb down. George told Dana he would go first and
then Dana could climb down after him into this pitch black hole. George climbed over
some rocks and started his decent down the cliff wall, within moments he lost his
footing and fell ten or fifteen feet onto the ground below. He landed on his back with
a thud, and landed so hard that the fall knocked the wind out of him; he could not
move or speak. Dana heard him fall but could not see him, and began calling out to
George. George could not answer him, Dana thought his uncle was dead and he was in
the middle of the desert in the middle of the night now all by himself. He was

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