Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

said the boy had seen Kelly at the school football game on Friday night and offered
her a ride to the dance after the game. Gorman always had a dance for all the kids
who attended Gorman after the football games at Ryan Hall at the school. She had
told him she was with friends and did not need a ride. Apparently, this boy the
following Monday went around the school telling other students he had hooked up
with Kelly that night and was telling some nasty lies. The boy did not know she was
Dana’s sister. Dana was on his way to beat this boy to a bloody pulp for lying about his
sister. After hearing his story, I couldn’t tell him not to do it — a beating seemed
justified to me.
Later I found out half the students in the school were on their way to the store to
watch the confrontation. When Dana arrived at the store and confronted the boy
about what he said about his sister, the boy denied all of it. Dana became enraged
because the boy lied to him. Dana got loud and started swearing and calling the boy
outside, telling him, he was going to kick his ass for what he had done. All the
customers were now looking, trying to see what was going on. The store manager
threw Dana and all his friends out of the store and threatened to call the police. Dana
left, but after that, all the boys at school steered clear of his sister; and if some boy
did try to meet her, the minute they found out she was Dana’s sister, they never
came around again.
During Dana’s high school years, our house was the house all his friends came to
when getting ready to go out for the night on a weekend. I would walk down the
hallway past the main bathroom, which was a large room, and all the boys would be
primping and posing, flexing their arms and fixing their hair ten different ways, in
front of the mirror. There was so much cologne splashing around it smelled like a
French whorehouse.
Our house was also the house they came back to at night to sleep if they had too
much to drink. My rule regarding drinking for Dana and his sister was that they could
drink (I knew they would anyway) but wherever they were that was where they
stayed. They were never, ever to get into a car with anyone who had been drinking.
We had many overnight guests on the weekends. If I wasn’t working on Sunday
morning, I would get up and face a stereo speaker down the hallway where the

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