Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

and in Las Vegas that means temperatures of anywhere from 105 degrees to 118
degrees. I never thought about the temperature out there when I sent him the
chocolates. I hadn’t heard from Dana and after about a week, I called and asked him
if he received the package I sent. He told me he had gotten it, but he didn’t say
anything else so I asked him how they were. He said, “Mom, it’s 110 degrees out here.
How do you think they were?” It was not connecting at all for me, and then he said,
“They were totally melted into one big nasty mess.” So much for my well-intentioned
Only once did I have to pick up Dana and his sister at juvenile hall. They had
been arrested together. Dana’s sister was spending the night at a friend’s house and
had told me that her friend’s mom would be home all weekend. Kelly had never lied
to me, so I didn’t call her friend’s mom to verify that she would be home. The mother
was not home but in California for the weekend. Kelly’s friend thought it would be a
good time to have a party. The party was crashed by a gang of kids that Kelly and her
friend didn’t know. They started trashing the house and wouldn’t leave. Kelly’s friend
called the police to break up the party, but Kelly and her friend had been drinking
and both were drunk. Dana had heard there was a party at this address and just
happened to pull up to the house as the police were taking his sister out of the house
in handcuffs. He decided he would rescue her. Dana charged the police, knocking
them to the ground, grabbed his sister, threw her over his shoulder, and started
running toward his car with her. He obviously did not get far with her before the
police grabbed them both. One of the police officers kept asking Dana what kind of a
moron would try to grab somebody the police were arresting and run from them. He
asked him if he was mentally slow.
At four o’clock in the morning, I receive a call that both my kids have been
arrested and were locked up in juvenile hall. At first I thought the phone call was
someone playing a practical joke because, when Kelly and her friend were leaving my
house, her friend turned to me and said, “You can come get us out of jail later
tonight.” I told her that wasn’t funny. When this female voice told me both my
children were in jail, I started to get mad, thinking it was the girls playing a joke. It
only took a minute to realize that was not the case and they really were in jail.

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