Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

country and we all went there one night. What a night that was. I remember Richie
pulling a bunch of Christmas lights off the walls and, with the lights still lit, wrapping
them around himself, and then jumping up on a table and standing there like a giant
Christmas tree, singing, hollering, and drinking his beer. I am surprised he wasn’t
Dana had a pair of green plaid flannel pants that pulled on and tied at the waist.
He wore them a couple of times when we went to Richie’s pub. All the Irish guys
would be all over him about those pants, taking the piss out of him for going out in
public wearing them. Dana said he thought he was going to die before we ever left
Ireland. He didn’t like the food, which was mostly fried, and he never had so much to
drink in all his life.
One of our first days in Ireland, we set out to do some sightseeing and pulled over
to the side of the road to take some video of a group of caravans that were set up off
the road. We were barely there a minute when three men charged at the car. Dana
saw them coming and barely got the window rolled up and the door locked before
they reached us demanding we give them the video camera. They were hollering at
Dana, “Why are you taking pictures of us.” Dana kept trying to tell them we were just
tourists taking pictures, but they didn’t want to hear that. Their tone and demeanor
were escalating by the minute and they were getting louder and more threatening.
Dana put the car in gear and peeled out. After telling Richie what had happened, we
discovered later they were gypsies and he told us we were lucky to have gotten out of
there. He said the gypsies do not like anyone taking pictures of them. We were
clueless as to what gypsies even were. It was a great trip and a lot of fun, but it is
hard not to have a good time in Ireland.
Dana worked as a night butler and bellman at the Boston Harbor Hotel from 1990
to 1992, followed by jobs at the Westin and the Four Seasons. Now when Dana is in
Boston, he stays in the suites at these hotels, which is more than a touch ironic. While
working at the Boston Harbor Hotel, Dana met quite the cast of characters. A couple
of them were true Southie boys. They were charming, witty, and good looking in their
own way, and when they got together, oh the stories they would tell. The amazing
part is that the stories were all true. They didn’t need to embellish them at all. Dana

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