Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

and Women’s Hospital, where I worked. So many days we worked together and there
were times I would walk into a bar to find one or both of my kids there.
One bar we would go to frequently, was Pete’s on Broad Street in downtown
Boston, our version of Cheer’s. Dana called one night around ten o’clock and said,
“Mom, I’m at Pete’s with Kenny. Come down and have a beer with us.” Kenny was
Dana’s cousin from Maine. I had just recently moved to an apartment in Southie from
the North End, and I told him I would be down in about twenty minutes.
Pete’s was a small bar, long and narrow with old, red brick walls, a few tables
against the side wall, with a great juke box, and two more small tables at the very
back of the bar. There was just enough space between the barstools and the tables
for one person to walk by. When I arrived at Pete’s, Dana and Kenny were sitting at
the bar. The place was crowded, as usual, and I joined them at the bar for a beer.
Dana had been there for a few hours, and he obviously had quite a few beers, and was
in good form. Around midnight, Kelly, Dana’s sister came walking into Pete’s with two
security guards who worked at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. They had all just
gotten out of work. The three of them headed back to the tables at the back of the
bar. After they ordered drinks, I saw this guy go back and start talking to Kelly. I’m
not sure why he picked her out because the two security guards with her were big
guys, body builders.
I could hear this person talking to Kelly, and he was being a real jackass. After a
few minutes of watching him, I told Dana, “We need to pay our tab and leave, and I
need you to go get your sister to leave with us.” Dana asked me why, and I told him
that some guy would not leave her alone. We all got up and left together, but this
person followed us out and started up again. I turned to him and told him to go back
inside and leave us alone.
He says, “Shut the fuck up, you bitch.”
He never saw what was coming at him. Before he got the word “bitch” out, Dana
punched him in the face, breaking his nose. We began walking away and out of
nowhere, six guys jumped on Dana in the middle of Broad Street. The two security
guards, who were just getting in their car, saw these people jump Dana and came
running back to pull the pile of people off him. A couple more guys jumped on them,

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