Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

who would come knocking on his door and say, “Dude, I’m starving and have no
money.” Baso would make a couple peanut butter sandwiches and the two of them
would sit on the couch in his house watching cartoons and eating their sandwiches.
Dana was piss poor the whole time he lived in Boston — in 1993 Dana made a
whopping $10,136 and listed his job as a boxing trainer — but I believe those were
some of his happiest days.
There have been many articles about Dana and his life growing up. You would
think he had a tough, horrible life that he was left alone, growing up by himself in the
mean streets of Southie and Las Vegas. In truth, when Dana moved to Southie he was
twenty years old. I would say his life to that point had been better than most people’s
his age. Dana complains that his dad was never around or there for him when he was
growing up, but he does not realize how lucky he was that his dad, who was an
abusive drunk and cared only about himself, was not part of his life. Dana had four
uncles, who were always around and spent time with him, and two of his uncles had
sailboats and he would go out sailing with them. His grandmother lived with us so
someone was always home when Dana and his sister came home from school. We went
skiing in Utah, and Dana spent his summers back east and in upstate Maine, where he
had his own horse to ride and lots of cousins his age and aunts and uncles to spend
time with. Dana’s uncle in Connecticut lived on a lake, and when Dana visited, they
went swimming and fishing. We would always go to Hampton Beach for a couple
weeks every summer, and his aunts, uncles, and grandmother would all come up and
stay with us. In fact, I wish I had his life growing up.

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