Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

It is funny how things work out sometimes, and this seems another twist of fate. It
was March. My apartment in Southie was on the first floor of a three-decker on East
Broadway, the main parade route for the Saint Patrick’s Day parade — my apartment
was always full that day. People in Southie just leave their doors open and people
come and go as the parade goes by. Many times you don’t even know half the people
in your apartment. This St. Patrick’s Day, the parade was over and I had an apartment
full of people. One of the people in my apartment was a good friend of my neighbors
on the second floor, and it turns out he was an attorney. I mentioned the problem
Dana was having in Las Vegas, and the attorney told me, “Oh, I have a good friend
who works in the prosecutor’s office up there. We went to school together.”
A few days later, the attorney called to say he talked with his friend, and he told
me that, Dana absolutely should not return to Maine until this was resolved because
the authorities wanted him to go to jail for not appearing and leaving the state. He
said that his friend had taken care of the charges, and Dana just needed to hire an
attorney in Maine to appear in court for him and the charges would be dropped. Dana
called one of his uncles in Maine, who gave him the name of a local attorney. Dana
sent the attorney the money to appear in court for him, and just as my St. Patty’s Day
friend told me would happen, the charges were dropped. This situation could have
gone badly for Dana except for my chance meeting on St. Patrick’s Day.
Dana had made the decision not to work for someone else but instead wanted to
start his own business. He would call to tell me all these great ideas he had for a
business, and in fact, a lot of them were very good ideas. Follow-through to
completion was not Dana’ strong suit at the time. Dana was too scattered in his
planning and actions. He would get to a certain point with a business idea, and then
he would have an idea for something else and want to start something new and
abandon the idea he was working on.
Dana called one day and asked if I would come out to Las Vegas and help him get
a business started. He kept saying he just did not know where or how to get started. I
was out of work at the time due to a car accident and was waiting to have cervical
surgery on a couple of herniated discs, so I had the time and I flew out to Las Vegas to
help him. We decided he could call his business Dana White Enterprises, which left

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