Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

The week before Dana’s wedding, he stayed at his sister’s house. She had bought
a four-bedroom, three-bath house on the west side of town. When I flew out for
Dana’s wedding, I stayed there as well, as did one of my brothers and a friend of
Dana’s from Boston who was in his wedding. The wedding was over a three-day
weekend, and many friends and family had flown in from the east coast for the
wedding. Because it was a three-day weekend in Vegas, everyone was in party mode,
and at night everyone would head out to meet up with other people in town for the
wedding. We would straggle back to Kelly’s house at all hours. The house had two
floors, and I was in the only bedroom on the first floor. Dana was sleeping in the living
A friend of Kelly’s had been on a trip a few months before, and she brought a gift
back for her: one of those wooden carved dolls and this one was squatting and was
wearing just a grass skirt. The figure looked like some voodoo doll from Africa and
was quite intimidating and creepy looking. There was a show on television about
twenty years ago called A Trilogy of Terror , and it really was terrifying. There were
three short terrifying tales, and one was about this voodoo doll that this woman gets
as a gift; it looked just like the one Kelly had in her house. Of course, the thing comes
to life and terrorizes the woman in this story, and after having your stomach in a knot
for forty-five minutes, the voodoo doll finally wins.
When I first went into my bedroom, I found this voodoo doll perched on the
dresser and the first thing I thought about was that movie. I knew there was no way in
hell I was going to be able to sleep as long as that thing was in my room, and so,
before I went out for the night, I put it in the living room. When Dana came back to
the house that night, he found the voodoo doll in the living room and thought the
same thing: no way in hell was he going to have that thing in the room where he was
sleeping. He put it back in my bedroom. When I came home rather late that night, or
rather, early the next morning, Dana was asleep. I went into my room and the first
thing I saw was this voodoo doll back in the bedroom, right where it had been before I
removed it. Nothing like having a few cocktails and turning on a light in your bedroom
to discover this thing looking at you. I again took it from the bedroom and placed it
back in the living room. This time I put it right next to where Dana was sleeping,

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