Dana White, King of MMA

(Sean Pound) #1

figuring as he opened his eyes first thing in the morning this would be what would
greet him. I thought this will start his day off on a good note.
When I woke up that morning, I went to the kitchen. Dana was sitting in the
family room right off the kitchen, and he was looking at me with this shit-eating grin.
I could not figure out what was so funny, and so I finally asked him what’s going on.
He said, “Did you notice anything in your room?”
I asked him what he was talking about, and he went into this full-blown laugh.
Then he said, “I put the voodoo doll back in your room last night, and you slept in
there with it.”
I could not believe he did not see the doll when he woke up because I had put it
right in front of his face. I looked at him, grinned, and told him I had moved it back
into the living room right next to where he was sleeping. Dana was no longer laughing;
he jumped up and ran into the living room to see if the voodoo doll was there. I
swear, for the next two days that thing was getting moved all over the house. No one
wanted it in the room they were sleeping in. Dana told me that A Trilogy of Terror
freaked him out and he wished he had never seen it. This doll was freaking everyone
out at the house.
As Dana became busier at the gym in the Fertitta building, he would get
requests from professional boxers to train in his gym for upcoming fights in Las Vegas.
One night Dana ran into John Lewis, a mixed martial arts fighter. Dana was a huge
boxing fan but was intrigued by MMA and what was going on in the sport and with the
fighters. John agreed to teach Dana Brazilian jiu-jitsu.
Dana felt the fighters in the UFC weren’t being represented well and were being
paid nothing for their fights. Chuck Liddell, for example was making a $1,000.00 a
fight. Dana began managing both Tito Ortiz and Chuck Liddell. Dana and Tito became
fast friends, and Dana’s relationship with these people would send Dana to Lorenzo
with a request that Lorenzo put up the money to buy the UFC, which was failing
miserably, indeed about to go under. Dana saw the potential for the sport with the
right owners and a few changes to the game. Lorenzo listened and thought Dana had
something that would be fun and could become a moneymaking business, and so the

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