The Life of Hinduism

(Barré) #1

138. performance

  1. 4.17.3, p. 582.

  2. Quoted in Rothenberg 1968, 417.

  3. 1.240.2, p. 196.

  4. In saying, “As I am [i.e., as I am dressed], so I behave,” the man who played
    Brahma unconsciously echoes Tulsidas’s “According to one ’s costume, so should one
    dance,” cited above. Compare also the sadhu’s comments on form and dress.


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———. 1990. “The View from the Ghats: Traditional Exegesis of a Hindu Epic.” Jour-
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———. 1991. The Life of a Text: Performing the Ramcaritmanasof Tulsidas.Berkeley:
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