The Life of Hinduism

(Barré) #1

Courtright, Paul, 273, 275
Cowherds, 54, 55, 101, 106
Cremation: sannyasif, 18; at Manikarnika;
Ghat, 82, 83, 86
Crow, Trammel, 238
Culture, Indian: impact of media on, 141,
143–44; influence on West, 285n11;
Tamil, 268–70

Dada-didi ki Kahaniyan(miniseries), 144
Dahasaris(burners), 83, 84
Daksina(offerings), 79
Daksinakali(goddess), 169n10
Dalits (Untouchables), 200, 289
Damrosch, David: We Scholars, 291
DANAM (Dharma Association of North
America), 271, 299n9
Dandas (monks’ staffs), 85
Dargahs(saints’ tombs), 7, 262, 263; of
Shahul Hamid, 266–70
Darfana(seeing, vision), 40, 48; com-
mentary traditions of, 298; with desire
for mamta, 135; of Devi, 165; from
Maharajji, 21, 22, 194; in Ramlilasof
Ramnagar, 123, 125, 128–29, 135, 150;
sashat, 128; in televised Ramayana,
152; of Vifvanath, 76
Das, Amar, 187
Das, Sant Sarvan, 211
Dafahrafestival (North India), 125
Dafanamimonks, 77; dress of, 78;
monasteries of, 79
Dattatreya (god): shrine to, 28n16
Death: at Banaras, 17-18; mantrasfor, 85;
rituals of, 72
Deepas: in Divali festival, 92, 97; in pujas,
39, 40
Deepavali festival. SeeDivali
Deities, Hindu: actors’ identification
with, 142; of Banaras, 44; flowers for,
38, 39; human origin of, 168; images
of, 42–52; interpretations of, 295; mis-
representation of, 272; multiple arms

of, 42, 51; processual/structural view
of, 160; ofrg Veda, 49; of southern
India, 231; at Sri Venkateswara temple
(Penn Hills, PA), 242, 243;
svayamvyakta(self-announced), 231;
trinity, 245; in United States, 232, 242,
243, 246, 247n6. See alsoGoddesses,
Hindu; Images, divine; Polytheism
De Mille, Cecil B., 155n27
Deras(sacred compounds): of Ravidas,
207, 208, 211
Devi (goddess): compassion of, 174;
darfanof, 165; manifestations of, 158,
174, 179; narratives of, 14; pilgrimage
sites, 161, 164, 165; possession by,
158–59; power (fakti)of, 159, 160;
praises of, 50; supremacy of, 49; unity
of, 173; wind form of, 162–63; wor-
ship at Manikarnika, 83
DeviBhagavata(text), 174
Devijagrata(ritual), 159
DeviMahatmya(chant), 166
DeviMahatmya(text), 174
Dhan Teras, pujaof, 92
Dharma: acts against, 297, 298; in caste
system, 251; facets of, 16; global, 298;
and moksa, 12; sanatana, 10, 11, 250;
women’s, 181
Dharma Rai (Divine Accountant), 189
Diaspora, Hindu, 24–25, 171; awakening
in, 277–78; in Caribbean, 24; intellec-
tuals in, 276–77; marginalization in,
290–91; research topics in, 283; satya-
grahain, 284; self-representation in,
291; in United States, 24; in West,
Diladdar (Down and Out One), 96–97
Dipas. See Deepas
Divali (Festival of Lights), 91–98; ances-
tral spirits at, 105; apparel at, 94; cele-
bration in West, 18; ceremonies of, 93;
date of, 91; decorations for, 93–94;
fireworks in, 97; food for, 92, 94,

310. index

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