The Life of Hinduism

(Barré) #1

97–98; gambling at, 93; of Gobard-
han, 105, 111n3, 112n16; Hanuman in,
92; Krishna in, 93; narrative of, 94–97;
pujasof, 93–94, 97–98; in United
States, 242; wives in, 105
Diyas. See Deepas
Doordarshan (television network): com-
mercials on, 143, 145–46; program-
ming of, 143; Ramayanaon, 140–53;
serials on, 143–44
Dowries, 68, 75n4; Muslim, 70
Durga (goddess), 161; multiple arms of,
51; possession by, 20; silver mask of,

  1. See alsoDevi
    Durkheim, Emile, 101, 102
    Duryodhana (Mahabharata), 297
    Dvivedi, Ramgulam, 154n24

Eck, Diana, 16
Eknath (bhaktisaint), 203
Electricity, availability of, 146
Epics, telling of, 149

Families: bhaktiHinduism among, 203;
extended, 48; in Hindu festivals, 105
Fanon, Franz, 276
Fasting, ritual, 33
Fatimah (shrine elephant), 269
Festivals, Hindu: and American secular
calendar, 235–36; Bharat Milap, 128;
caste in, 105, 106; dafahra, 125; of
Krishna, 107; Navaratras, 165; Pongal,
8; power relations in, 106; ritual per-
formance in, 104; sexual license in,
108; spring, 108–9; Tiruvadira, 219.
See alsoDivali (Festival of Lights);
Holi festival
Fire: in Holi festival, 100; masculine as-
pect of, 40; in pujas, 39–40; purifica-
tion with, 41; at Ramlilasof Ramna-
gar, 127, 128; ritual use of, 84, 85;
symbolism of, 40. See also Arati
Fireworks: in Divali festival, 97; in

Ramlilasof Ramnagar, 123, 127, 128,
Fitch, Ralph, 44
Florida, Srivaisnava community in, 232
Flowers: for deities, 38, 39
Food: for ascetics, 79; for deities, 38–39;
for Divali festival, 92, 94, 97–98; sym-
bolic consumption of, 39. See also
Footprints, veneration of, 267
Forster, E. M., 47
Fort Worth-Dallas (Texas), Hindu com-
munity at, 238
Frankfurt School, 286n14
Frankl, Victor, 250
Freud, Sigmund: on regression, 21

Gaja (elephant), 240
Ganapati. SeeGanesha
Gandhi, Indira, 21, 176
Gandhi, Mahatma: film attendance by,
142; nonviolence of, 253, 285; on
satyagraha, 26, 283–85; social reforms
of, 14; and Untouchables, 251
Ganesha: as dispeller of obstacles, 252; in
Divali festival, 92, 93, 94, 97; images
of, 42, 44, 92; misrepresentation of,
272; mudrasof, 51; statue at Sri
Venkateswara temple, 234
Ganga, bathing in, 93
Ganges (goddess), 204
Garlands: ritual, 219, 221
Garuda (bird), 240; in Ramlilasof Ram-
nagar, 129
Gauna(consummation ceremony),
64–65, 72–73, 74
Gender: transcendence of, 181; Western
conception of, 278
Ghat of the Ten Horse Sacrifices (Ba-
naras), 76
Ghee: in offerings, 40
Ghera, B. R., 205, 208–9
Ghosh, Balakrishna, 272

index. 311

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