The Life of Hinduism

(Barré) #1

India: colonization of, 272, 275–76; GNP
of, 1; multiculturalism in, 47–48; Mus-
lim power over, 258; original inhabi-
tants of, 216n27; unity of, 48; Western
travelers to, 44
India, British: caste system in, 22; end of,
258; revolt of 1857 in, 258
India, North: brides in, 74; dafahrafesti-
val, 125; immigrants from, 24; Krisha
worship in, 99–111; monogamy in, 71;
Radhasoami tradition, 21
India, South: bhaktimovement in, 203;
deities of, 231; Tamil-speaking region,
265; urban professionals of, 231
Indians, South, Hindu chauvinist view
of, 5–6
India through Hindu Categories(McKim
Marriott), 281
Indology, 271; colonialism in, 275; mis-
conceptions in, 272; Other in, 274
Infinity Foundation, 28n12
Intellectuals, Hindu, assimilation of in
Western culture, 276–77
Internet, Hindu life on the, 25–26
ISKCON, 2, 289
Islam, Sunni, 12
Iyer, C. A. P., 239

Jacobson, Doranne, 17
Jagadifvaranda, Swami, 82
Jaimini (Mimamsa interpreter), 296
Jai Santoshi Ma(film, 1975), 143
Jai Singh, Raja Sawai, 55, 59
Jaisingh Ghera (Vrindaban), 55–59
Jalebis(sweets), 86
Janakpur, Bow Sacrifice at, 132
Jauhar, 71
Jesus: film biographies of, 142; on king-
dom of God, 190; shrines to, 6
Jha, Ganganath, 272
Jhali (queen), 203–4, 215n9
Jhanki(tableau): in Ramlilasof Ramna-
gar, 128–29, 150

Jnandev (bhaktisaint), 203
Jof, Camanlal, 169n6
JvalaMukhi(goddess), 161
Jvala Mukhi (pilgrimage site), 161, 165

Kabir (saint), 190, 201–2, 203; on bhakti,
16; hagiography of, 215n8; on the
Veda, 77
Kaikeyi (goddess), 91
Kakar, Sudhir, 21–22
Kali(goddess), 161; symbolism of, 252
Kalka, Devitemple at, 166
Kamsa (king of Mathura), 107
Karma, 250; law of, 22, 253; Radhasoami
Maharajji on, 189, 190, 192–93
Karmabhumi(sacred land), 246; United
States as, 238
Karpura(camphor), 40
Kashthajihvasvami (sadhu), 117
Kathakali, conventions of, 153
Katha(storytelling) tradition; effect of
television on, 148–53; improvisation
in, 149–50, 154n24; purification in, 151;
religious instruction through, 150;
Sagar’s use of, 150–51; in Vaisnava,
Kathavacak(storyteller), 149
Kathenotheism, 49, 211
Kaup (goddess), 27n4
Kerala, castes of, 23, 218
Kharia matti(decoration), 93
Kiliru (prophet), 266
Kirtan(singing), 118, 125, 181
Kishan Garhi, 112n10; Krishna festival in,
Knowing, cultural ways of, 275
Kolam(sacred design), 33, 34
Kripal, Jeffrey, 273
Krishna: alliances of, 297; bee messenger
of, 16–17, 53, 54, 57–59; biographies
of, 112n16; Caitanyite worshippers of,
55, 107; childhood of, 53, 54, 59;
cowherds of, 54, 55, 101, 106; cult in

314. index

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