The Life of Hinduism

(Barré) #1

Ramcharitmanas. SeeTulsidas, Ramchar-
Ramlila(ballet), 149
Ramlilas, 71, 142; actors in, 150; bhaktiin,
118; improvisation in, 150; origin of,
117, 128; purification in, 151; spatio-
temporal dimensions of, 116, 124–25;
stagecraft of, 152
Ramlilas, of Ramnagar (Banaras), 19, 20,
115–36; actors in, 125, 126, 133; arati
in, 115, 116, 118, 120, 122, 123, 124, 127,
128, 133, 134–35; Ashoka Grove in,
126; attendees at, 117–21, 125; audi-
ence of, 132; bhanguse at, 120; Bharat
in, 119, 121; bhavnaat, 132–36; boy
celebrants in, 20, 117, 118, 127, 129,
133, 150; Brahma in, 133, 138n18; citi-
zens of Ayodha in, 119; conflagration
at, 127; costumes in, 138n18; darshan
in, 123, 125, 128–29, 135, 150; decora-
tions for, 119–20; dialogue in, 133; dis-
tinctiveness of, 116–18; fireworks in,
123, 127, 128, 135; Garuda in, 129;
Guha in, 127; Hanuman in, 118, 127;
iconographic tableaux of, 128–29, 150;
Lakshman in, 121, 122, 126, 127, 129;
Lakshmi in, 129; length of, 149; lilas
in, 120, 121, 124–27; nemi-premisat,
120; participation in, 118–24; physical-
ity of, 121; prasadin, 118–19; proces-
sions in, 119, 121–23; rain during, 121,
122; Ravan in, 125, 126; sadhusat, 117,
118, 120, 124, 129, 130, 135; Shiva in,
118, 128, 132; singing in, 119; Sita in,
116, 122, 126, 128, 132; spatiality of,
117, 124, 125; temporality of, 124;
transformation during, 131, 132;
Vishnu in, 128–29; weeping speeches
in, 133; women in, 119, 123
Ramnagar: devotions at, 115; Durga pool
of, 131; Ram’s residence in, 116–17;
viewing of televised Ramayanaat,

  1. See also Ramlilas, of Ramnagar

Ram-Prasad, Chakravarthi, 26
Ramunujan, A. K., 19
Rao, Narasimha, 261
Rastogi, Yogendra: “One Soul, Two
Bodies,” 43
Ravana (demon), 15, 91; in Ramlilasof
Ramnagar, 125, 126; in televised
Ramayana, 145, 148
Ravidas, 199–214; in Adi Granth, 208;
among bhaktisaints, 201–5, 210; an-
thologies of, 208–9, 214n4, 216n22;
Benarsi status of, 201; bhaktiof, 206;
birthday celebrations, 205; Brahmins
and, 200, 204–5, 206; and caste sys-
tem, 200, 206; charisma of, 200; cou-
plets of, 216n20; derasof, 207, 208,
211; English translations of, 214n4;
former lives of, 205; genealogy of, 211;
Guru Ravidas Granth, 209, 214n2; ha-
giography of, 215n8; initiation of
Mirabai, 211, 215n9; initiation of
Nanak, 214n4; as leatherworker,
216n16; legacy of, 207–12; liturgical
importance of, 208; modern response
to, 207; poems of, 212–14; on pollu-
tion, 200–201; on purification, 214n3;
and Queen Jhali, 204; on Ram,
217n29; and Ramanand, 204, 205,
216n14; singing of, 204; temples of,
199, 200, 201, 207, 210–11, 216n13; on
Untouchables, 214n1, 217n30; Un-
touchables’ response to, 207, 209
Ravidas Ramayana, 202
Reality: cultural views of, 278; synchro-
nistic, 9; ultimate, 181. See alsoBrah-
Reciprocity: in Hinduism, 38
Regression, Freud on, 21
Religious conversion, laws forbidding, 25
Research: on Hinduism, 271–85; Western
paradigms of, 274–76
Rg, Veda: creation in, 51; deities, 49;
truth in, 254n1. See alsoVedas

index. 319

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