The Life of Hinduism

(Barré) #1

introduction. 29

Dattatreya. Hindus and Muslims visit this shrine in common and have done so for gen-
erations, but the VHP is determined to tidy the borders and “liberate” the shrine for Dat-
tatreya. There is plenty of resistance—not just from Muslims, but from Hindus as well.

  1. Sepoys: Rajiv Malhotra, “Problematizing God ’s Interventions in History,”, 23 (accessed March 21, 2003); “neocolonial brown (mem)sahibs...
    who often guard the India and/or Hindu bashing fortresses at many American univer-
    sity departments”: “The Axis of Neocolonialism,”, 15 (accessed July
    10, 2002); “ ‘honorary white ’ Indian thinkers”: “The Position of Hinduism in America’s
    Higher Education,”, 1 (downloaded December 4, 2000).

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