The Life of Hinduism

(Barré) #1

5. Death beyond Death

The Ochre Robe

agehananda bharati

yadahareva virajet, tadahareva pravrajet
On the day on which he renounces,
on that very day let him sally forth.
Jabala Upanisad 4


This essay was previously published as “Pilgrimage,” in The Ochre Robe(London: George Allen
& Unwin, 1961), 144–56.

The Panjab Mail is one of the three fastest trains in India. It took me to Banaras
Cantonment in seven hours. I was now entirely on my own, for I did not know any-
one here, except the monks of the Ramakrishna Monastery, and I would hardly seek
their company. A monk is supposed to be on his own, and I felt strong and free. I
thought of Ramakrishna’s advice: find a place to stay, in a new city, then put your
bundle there, and, with that burden off your mind, go sightseeing. His counsel had
been meant metaphorically: first place your mind in the divine resting-place, then
only go and enjoy whatever this world has to offer. But the amazing thing about the
Indian teachers’ advice is that it usually works both ways—and I took it literally. I
deposited my bundle at a rest house near Assi Ghat and went to the Ghat of the Ten
Horse Sacrifices for my bath. I hesitated for a moment, pondering if I should buy
some sort of container for the water, to offer it to Lord Vifvanath. A tallish man of
about fifty approached me and said, “Here is your kamandalu, Maharaj.” I took the
earthen water-pot and was fascinated by its exquisite shape. When I looked up in-
quiringly and to thank him, he had turned and was walking away.
I had darfan of Lord Vifvanath, and then I walked back to the ghat. I knew what
I was looking for: a sannyasito give me sannyasa—a renunciant to give me renun-
ciatory initiation. It was as simple as this. There were some sadhus(ascetics) sitting

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