1000 Phrasal Verbs In Context

(Martin Jones) #1
1000 Phrasal Verbs In Context © Matt Errey 2007

1000 Phrasal Verbs in Context D d (4/4)

drop by

Why don’t you drop by on your way home from work and help me
cook some food?

drop by

How about dropping by
on Saturday afternoon
and we’ll watch the golf?

✍  see also:^ come around,
come over, stop by

drop in
I’ll pop by the library on my way home and drop the books in. drop sth in^

Could you drop the sales
report in to my office
when it’s done?

✍ ^ see also:^ drop off^

drop off
Every morning I drop the kids off at school on my way to work. drop sb/sth off^
drop off sb/sth

Make sure someone drops
off these samples at the
customer’s office today.

✍ 

drop out
Not many students drop out of university these days, but in the 1960s
many quit studying so they’d be free to do whatever they wanted to.

drop out
drop out of sth

Tell the staff that I don’t
want anyone dropping
out of the English classes.

✍  see also: opt out

dry up
The farm’s dams dried up during the drought, but they filled up again
after some storms.

dry up

If the world’s oil reserves
dried up, the economy
would collapse.

✍ ^


Some movie directors say big studios want them to dumb their movies
down so more people can understand them.

dumb sth down
dumb down sth

Do you think it’s true that
media companies dumb
down their products?

✍ ^
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