1000 Phrasal Verbs In Context

(Martin Jones) #1
1000 Phrasal Verbs In Context © Matt Errey 2007

1000 Phrasal Verb Quiz Questions E e

Complete the sentences so that each includes a phrasal verb beginning with ‘e’...

1 I don’t feel like going out to a restaurant tonight, so let’s in. (3 letters)
2 High fuel costs are eating
the profits of many businesses. (4 letters)
3 Let’s eat
tonight. I know a great Japanese restaurant near here. (3 letters)
4 If the kids eat all their vegetables, they can have dessert. (2 letters)
5 He got drunk and danced on the table because his friends were egging him . (2 letters)
6 After quitting his job in business, Joe embarked a new career as a teacher. (2 letters)
7 If you don’t study hard, you might end working in a job you don’t like. (2 letters)
8 They ended the concert an extended version of one of their most popular songs. (4 letters)
9 The timber company is engaged a dispute with local people over logging their forest. (2 letters)
10 Laos and Thailand entered an agreement to build a bridge over their border. (4 letters)
11 In most European countries, all citizens are entitled free medical care. (2 letters)
12 You paid the bill last time, so I’ll pay this time and that’ll even things . (2 letters)
13 Do you think it’s good for children to be exposed places like hospitals and prisons? (2 letters)

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