1000 Phrasal Verbs In Context

(Martin Jones) #1
1000 Phrasal Verbs In Context © Matt Errey 2007

1000 Phrasal Verbs in Context O o (1/1)

object to
Many smokers object to laws that make it illegal to smoke cigarettes in
public places. They say the laws infringe on their civil liberties.

object to sth

The workers objected to
the salary cut and
protested against it.

✍ ^

occur to
It never occurred to them that Judy was thinking of quitting her job. She
seemed so happy working there.

occur to sb

Did it ever occur to you
that the accountant could
be cheating the company?

✍  see also:^ dawn on^

open up
James has never told me much about himself, but he opened up last
night and told me about his past and about his dreams for the future.

open up
open up to sb

I find it easier to open up
to women than to share
my feelings with men.

✍ 

open up
New markets are opening up in Asia, so many companies from outside
the region are looking into the possibility of doing business there.

open up
open up sth
open sth up
The new road has opened
up many areas of the
country for development.

✍ 

opt for
Most companies have opted for production facilities in developing
countries where labour costs are much lower.

opt for sth

Many people opt for early
retirement instead of
working until they’re 65.

✍  see also:^ go for^

opt out
Too many people have opted out of the company’s English class. Maybe
the classes are too boring and need livening up.

opt out
opt out of sth

There have always been
people who opt out and
live outside society.

✍  see also:^ drop out^

order about
/ around

I hate the way Donald orders us about. He’s like a sergeant in the army
ordering his soldiers around.

order sb about
order sb around

She orders the staff about
in a bossy way that most
people really dislike.

✍ ^ see also:^ push around

order in
If you don’t want to eat out, we could stay home and order in some

order in sth
order sth in

We need to order some
food in for the staff
who’re working late.

✍  see also:^ send out for^

own up
We knew it was Bob who’d been looking at gambling websites on the
office computer, but he wouldn’t own up. He said it wasn’t him.

own up
own up to sth

It can take courage to own
up to a mistake and admit
to having made it.

✍ ^
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