Introductory Biostatistics

(Chris Devlin) #1

asselect and drag, use offormula bar, and bar and pie charts. In this short sec-
tion we focus on continuous data, covering topics such as the construction of
histograms, basic descriptive statistics, and correlation analysis.

Histograms With a frequency table ready, click theChartWizardicon (the
one with multiple colored bars on thestandard toolbarnear the top). A box
appears with choices (as when you learned to form a bar chart or pie chart);
select the column chart type. Then click onnext.

For the data range, highlight the frequency column. This can be done by
clicking on the first observation and dragging the mouse to the last obser-
vation. Then click onnext.
To remove the gridlines, click on the gridline tab and uncheck the box. To
remove the legend, you can do the same using the legend tab. Now click
The problem is that there are still gaps. To remove these, double-click on
a bar of the graph and a new set of options should appear. Click on the
options tab and change the gap width from 150 to 0.

Descriptive Statistics

First, click the cell you want to fill, then click thepaste function icon,f*,
which will give you—in a box—a list Excel functions available for your
The item you need in this list isStatistical; upon hitting this, a new list
appears withfunction names, each for a statistical procedure.
The following are procedures/names we learn in this chapter (alphabeti-
cally): AVERAGE: provides the sample mean, GEOMEAN: provides the
geometric mean, MEDIAN: provides the sample median, STDEV: pro-
vides the standard deviation, and VAR: provides the variance. In each
case you can obtain only one statistic at a time. First, you have to enter
therangecontaining your sample: for example, D6:D20 (you can see what
you are entering on theformula bar). The computer will return with a nu-
merical value for the statistic requested in apreselectedcell.

Pearson’s Coe‰cient of Correlation

First, click the cell you want to fill, then click thepaste function icon,f*,
which will give you—in a box—a list of Excel functions available for your
The item you need in this list isStatistical; upon hitting this, a new list
appears withfunction names, each for a statistical procedure. ClickCOR-
REL, for correlation.

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