Introductory Biostatistics

(Chris Devlin) #1

  1. We can determine theoptimalcut point, which is nearest to the upper left
    cornerð 0 ; 1 Þ. This corner corresponds to 100% sensitivity and 100%

  2. We can estimate theseparation powerof the separatorX, which is esti-
    mated by the area under the ROC curve estimated above. Given two
    available separators, the better separator is the one with the higher sepa-
    ration power.

Given two independent samples,fx 1 igim¼ 1 andfx 2 jgjn¼ 1 , frommcontrols and
ncases, respectively, theestimated ROC curve, often called thenonparametric
ROC curve, is defined as therandom walkfrom the left bottom cornerð 0 ; 0 Þto
the right top cornerð 1 ; 1 Þwhose next step is 1=mto the right or 1=nup,
according to whether the next observation in the ordered combined sample is a
controlðx 1 Þor a caseðx 2 Þ. For example, suppose that we have the samples

x 21 <x 22 <x 11 <x 23 <x 12 ðn¼ 3 ;m¼ 2 Þ

Then the nonparametric ROC curve is as shown in Figure 9.3.

9.2.6 ROC Curve and Logistic Regression

In the usual (also referred to as Gaussian) regression analyses of Chapter 8,R^2
gives the proportional reduction in variation in comparing the conditional
variation of the response to the marginal variation. It describes the strength of

Figure 9.2 Receiving operating characteristic (ROC) curve.

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