Introductory Biostatistics

(Chris Devlin) #1

  1. Pool data from two samples together and let

t 1 <t 2 <<tm madan 1 þn 2

be the distinct times with at least one event at each (dis the total number
of deaths).

  1. At ordered timeti,1aiam, the data may be summarized into a 2 2
    table (Table 11.2) where

n 1 i¼number of subjects from sample 1 who were at
risk just before timeti
n 2 i¼number of subjects from sample 2 who were at
risk just before timeti
ni¼n 1 iþn 2 i
di¼number of deaths atti;d 1 iof them from sample 1
andd 2 iof them from sample 2
¼d 1 iþd 2 i
¼a 1 iþa 2 i
¼number of survivors



In this form, the null hypothesis of equal survival functions implies the
independence of ‘‘sample’’ and ‘‘status’’ in Table 11.2. Therefore, under the
null hypothesis, the expected value ofd 1 iis

E 0 ðd 1 iÞ¼

n 1 idi

(d 1 ibeing the observed value) following the formula for expected values used in
Chapter 6. The variance is estimated by (hypergeometric model)

TABLE 11.2


Sample Dead Alive Total

1 d 1 i a 1 i n 1 i
2 d 2 i a 2 i n 2 i

Total di ai ni

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