Introductory Biostatistics

(Chris Devlin) #1

1.29 (a)For 1987: 24,027; for 1986: 15,017;(b)number of cases of AIDS
transmitted from mothers to newborns in 1988: 468.

1.30 Follow-up death rates:

Age (yr) Deaths/1000 months
21–30 3.95
31–40 5.05
41–50 11.72
51–60 9.80
61–70 10.19
70 þ 20.09

RR(70þyears vs. 51–60 years)¼2.05.

1.31 Death rates for Georgia (per 100,000):

(a) Crude rate for Georgia: 908.3
(b)Adjusted rate (United States as standard), Georgia: 1060.9
vs. adjusted rate for Alaska: 788.6
vs. adjusted rate for Floria: 770.6
(c) Adjusted rate (Alaska as standard): 560.5
vs. crude rate for Alaska: 396.8

1.32 With Georgia as standard: Alaska, 668.4; Florida, 658.5 vs. crude rate
for Georgia of 908.3.

1.33 Standardized mortality ratios:

Years Since Entering
the Industry
1–4 5–9 10–14 15 þ

SMR 0.215 0.702 0.846 0.907
RR(15þyears vs. 1–4 years): 4.22.

1.35 (c) General odds ratio is 1.31, showing an upward trend with co¤ee
consumption: given two person who were admitted for di¤erent con-
ditions, the odds that the one with the acute condition will consume
more co¤ee is 1.31.

1.36 (a)

Proportion of HBV-
Positive Workers
Frequent 0.210
Infrequent 0.079
Frequent 0.212
Infrequent 0.087

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