Introductory Biostatistics

(Chris Devlin) #1

Comparative study, 2
comparison of population proportions, 208
comparison of survival distributions, 386
comparison of two means, 253, 462
comparison of two proportions, 213, 223,
comparison of two treatments, 461
Composite hypothesis, 204
Concordance, 24, 118, 119, 230
concordant pair, 90
Conditional approach, 409
Conditional likelihood, 392
Conditional logistic regression, 413
Conditional probability, 113, 115, 382
Confidence estimation, 152
Confidence interval, 148, 152, 155, 165, 168,
301, 320, 393, 394, 407, 454
confidence interval for a correlation
coe‰cient, 168
confidence interval for a population
proportion, 160
confidence interval for an odds ratio, 165
confidence intervals for a mean, 156
confidence interval, width of, 156
Confidence level, 155
Confounder, 3, 16, 26, 218
Confounding factor, 139
Conservative sample size estimate, 452
Contingency table, 208
Continuity correction, 226
Continuous covariate, 319, 359
Continuous data, 57, 81, 246, 393
Continuous measurement, 83
Continuous variable, 131
Correction for finite population, 270
Correlation analysis, 83
Correlation coe‰cient, 85, 86, 390, 395
Kendall’s tau, 90
Pearson’s correlation coe‰cient, 85, 91
Spearman’s rho, 88, 89
Count data, 350
Covariate, 294, 383
Cox’s proportional hazards regression, 383, 391
Cox–Mantel test, 388
Cross-classification, 115
Cross-classified table, 208
Cross-sectional design, 446
Crude death rate, 14
Cumulative exposure, 401
Cumulative frequency graph, 67
Cumulative percentage, 67
Cumulative relative frequency, 67
Cumulative risk, 354

Cure model, 389
Cut point, 194

Data summarization, 72
Data transformation, 32
Decision, 188
Decision-making rule, 194
Degree of confidence, 155, 156, 452
Degree of freedom, 79, 132, 156, 224, 249, 254,
265, 290, 292, 356, 365, 398
Density, 62
Density curve, 121
Dependent variable, 314, 356
Descriptive statistics, 91
Design for selection, 457
Design parameter, 457
Deterministic relationship, 83
Deviation from the mean, 77
Diagnostic procedure, 5
Dichotomous characteristic, 2
Di¤erence of means, 159
Di¤erence of proportions, 164
Direct method, 16
Discordance, 24, 230
discordant pairs, 90, 471
Discrete data, 57, 81
Discrete variable, 132
Dispersion, 78, 82
Distribution-free methods, 257
Dose escalation, 450
Dose-limiting toxicity, 450, 450
Double blind, 448
Drag and fill, 234
Dummy variable, 360, 365, 419
Duration time, 383

E¤ect modification, 4, 295, 327, 360
E¤ect modifier, 5
Ending event, 381
Enrollment period, 383
Epidemiological design, 14
Error mean square, 292, 298
Errors, 192
Error sum of squares, 292
Estimation, 147, 148
estimation of a correlation coe‰cient, 152
estimation of a mean, 156
estimation of an odds ratios, 165
estimation of a proportion, 160
estimation of parameters, 147, 285, 296
estimation of the survival function, 384
Estimator, 150
unbiased estimator, 150
Evaluation of intervention, 158


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