Introductory Biostatistics

(Chris Devlin) #1

Median, 69, 76, 91
Minimum clinical significant di¤erence, 463
Minimum required sample size, 208, 452, 454,
456, 458, 462, 465, 469, 470, 471, 474
Misclassification, 6
MLE (maximum likelihood estimator), 171,
318, 360
Mode, 77
Monitoring dispersion, 323, 368
Morbidity, 11, 13
Mortality, 11, 13
excess mortality, 19
Multiple matching, 409
Multiple linear regression model, 294, 325
Multiple regression, 294, 325, 360, 395, 418
Multiplication rule for probabilities, 114, 223
Multiplicative overdispersion factor, 369

Negative association, 84
Negative predictivity, 117
Nonparametric test, 257
Nonparametric method, 257
Nonparametric ROC curve, 337
Normal curve, 120, 122, 131, 140, 141
Normal distribution, 121, 129, 171
Null hypothesis, 190, 191, 195, 203, 208, 213,
227, 246, 253
Number of intervals, 59
Numerical method, 72

Observed frequency, 223, 354
Observed value, 283
Occupational mortality study, 352
Odds, 20, 21
Odds ratio, 19, 20, 29, 114, 139, 165, 319, 320,
326, 406, 407, 410, 414, 417, 419, 469, 471,
One-sample problem, 208, 246
One-samplet-test, 248, 249
One-sided test, 197, 209, 210, 213, 229, 247, 253
One-to-one matching, 403
One-way analysis of variance, 263
One-way ANOVA, 263
One-way scatter plot, 57
Ordered contingency table, 22, 230
Outlier, 81
Overdispersed logistic regression model, 324
Overdispersed Poisson regression model, 368
Overdispersion, 323, 368
Overall confidence level, 164
Overall likelihood function, 400

pvalue, 141, 198, 204, 232
Paired observation, 158

Pairedt-test, 248, 249
Pair-matched case–control study, 210
Pair-matched data, 139, 210, 248, 261
Pair-matched design, 210
Parameter, 131, 147, 171, 191, 203, 208, 247,
285, 295, 296, 316, 326
Partial likelihood, 392, 396
Paste function, 32, 140, 173, 270
Pearson’s chi-quare, 224, 226, 354
Pearson’s correlation coe‰cient, 85
Percentage, 2
Percentile, 68
Person-years data, 15, 30
Person-years method, 30, 352
Phase I trial, 447, 449
Phase II trial, 447, 451, 453, 456, 457, 459
Phase III trial, 447, 461
Phase IV trial, 447
Pie chart, 8, 33
Placebo, 448
Point estimate, 173
Poisson distribution, 132, 136, 171, 350, 351
Poisson model, 350, 354, 356
Poisson regression, 356, 357
Polynomial model, 296, 328
Pooled proportion, 214
Population, 110, 122, 172
Population correlation coe‰cient, 289
Population mean, 247, 253, 267
Population proportion, 208, 209, 213, 227, 451
Positive association, 84
Positive predictive value, 116
Positive predictivity, 116
Positively skewed, 65
Power, 462, 463, 465
Predicted value, 285
Predictor, 282
Prevalence, 5, 14, 116, 117, 120
Probability, 108, 110
probability, interpretation of, 110
Probability density function, 131, 137, 351
Probability model, 108, 129, 131, 132
probability model for continuous data, 131
probability model for discrete data, 132
Product-limit method, 384
Proportion, 1, 11, 108, 109
Proportional hazards model, 382, 391, 396,
Prospective study, 322, 379, 446
prospective study of past events, 446
Psychological e¤ects, 448

Quadratic model, 296, 328, 340
Quartile, 85


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