Introductory Biostatistics

(Chris Devlin) #1

Stem-and-leaf diagram, 70, 71
Stepwise process, 303
Stepwise regression, 303, 333, 370, 399, 424
Stopping rule, 460
Stratification, 399
Stratification factor, 399
Strength of a statistical relationship, 86
Study design, 445
Summation sign, 72
Sum of ranks, 258, 259
Sum of squared deviations, 264, 285, 292, 297
Survey, 445
Survival analysis, 384
Survival curve, 386
Survival data, 379, 380, 386, 467
Survival distribution, 386
Survival function, 381, 384
Survival rate, 381, 467
Survival status, 384
Survival time, 75, 381, 466
Symmetry, 65

tcurve, 141, 156
tdistribution, 131, 141, 247
tstatistic, 247
ttest, 248, 249, 254, 290
Table of random numbers, 111
Target population, 110
Test for association, 321, 395, 417
Test for independence, 224, 289
Testing hypotheses, 298, 329, 362, 397, 420
Test of significance, 188
Test size, 204
Test statistic, 191, 195, 197, 199, 211, 232, 253,
261, 266, 290
Tied observations, 88
Time-dependent covariate, 401
Time origin, 381
Total sum of squares, 264, 292
Toxicity monitoring, 456
Trend, 23

Trial by jury, 194
Tripple blind trial, 448
True boundary, 62
Two-samplettest, 254
Two-sided test, 197, 209, 212, 213, 229, 247,
Two-way table, 223
Type 1 analysis, 367, 371
Type 3 analysis, 366
Type I error, 189, 192, 195, 203, 228, 322
Type II error, 189, 192, 195, 203, 461, 463

Unbiased estimator, 150
Unbiasedness, 150, 151
Uncertainty, 109
Unimodal pattern, 64
Univariate probability, 113
Unmatched design, 469, 471

Validity, 118
Variability, 109
Variable, 57, 148, 149
Variance, 77, 82, 91, 137
variance of binomial distribution, 138
variance of hypergeometric distribution, 388
variance of Poisson distribution, 138, 351
variance using secondhand data, 79
Variation, 82
Vital statistic, 13

Width of intervals, 59
Wilcoxon rank-sum test, 257
Wilcoxon signed-rank test, 261, 262
Wilcoxon test, 257, 260
Within mean squares, 265
Within sum of squares, 265

Yates’ corrected chi-square test, 226

zscore, 129, 136, 211, 231
zvalue, 126, 127, 128


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