Close-Up and Macro Photography

(lily) #1

Camera Body Cap

The “good” or original Nikon cap for the back of lenses.

Fighting the Wind and the Light

I have a number of very fine lenses but not always the conditions to
put them to use. The following will no- doubt be too much trouble
for many readers but where I live we have a lot of wind and, of
course, bright sun at times. While the traditional cure for wind is
“wait,” here in Michigan which is mostly flat, that could be mean
waiting a long time. And when the sun peaks over the treetops and
sends the first shaft of sunlight to ground, even that can be too
strong at times for the more subtle shades of color.

That coupled with the fact that focus stacking requires two hands
and some coordination, not to mention that I don’t have an
assistant, leaves me two arms short of four arms. What to do?

Of course I can wait for the wind to die down and work only at the
crack of the crack dawn but that cuts down my time for photography
by too large a percentage.

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