Close-Up and Macro Photography

(lily) #1

companies also have good support. You pretty much have to pay
for Adobe support, so I won’t go there just now. So take thirty days
and check out some software and find out which brand you like.


There you have a few suggestions on focus stacking. I should add
one more comment:

Patience and Exercise

Macro and close-up photography is a slow process, ideal for those
of us who need to learn patience. If done well. stacking photos can
slow us down until we are forced to experience just the present
moment. For many of us who are busy and think too much this is a
good thing and a respite, the best medicine I know.

It is also physically the perfect exercise for older folks. What else
would possibly induce me to get up, get down, get up again, now
get on my knees, now on my side, etc.? You could not pay me to
get the exercise I naturally get when motivated by this or that
wonderful shot. It is especially good for the abdomen, all the
holding of the breath, keeping perfectly still, maintaining a pose,
etc. This is all good.

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