Close-Up and Macro Photography

(lily) #1

Found Beauty

Instead, I am into what we might call “found” beauty, whatever
catches my eye that is beautiful. That’s what I like to photograph.
Even if it is a rare specimen of a you-name-it and it does not strike
me as awesome, I tend to walk on and just leave it be. My rule of
thumb is “Every photo I take is something that moves me by its
beauty.” Simple. And I will be the first to admit that my photos are
what is beautiful to my eye and may appear as ‘everyday’ and
boring to someone else.

Not Art

I also recognize and can at times appreciate “arty” photographs,
photographing something in nature that also has an “art” look about
it, whether by form, texture, and so on. I am not trying for that. To
me nature just as I find it is all the art I need or can stand. You can’t
improve on nature and looking for human-like art in nature is
something that I find boring. A photo of a simple leaf that I find
beautiful is the kind of art that pleases me. On this point
photographers can agree to differ and will find their differences.

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