Close-Up and Macro Photography

(lily) #1

technique. At this point I am pretty much in the focus-stacking
camp, although using it sparingly rather than too much.

And I have paid my dues, doing many hundreds of thousands of
photos on the way to learning how to stack focus. And the same
goes for different lenses. I have tried all of the well-known macro
lenses, some for considerable lengths of time. I used the legendary
Micro-Nikkor 70-180mm Zoom for a couple of years, and of course
some of the Micro-Nikkor 105mm lenses, and so on. I have over
fifty lenses and most of them are macro or close-up lenses, but not
all are Nikon.

In fact, my favorite all-around lens is the Cosina/Voigtlander
125mm f/2.5 APO-Lanthar, and I have written glowingly about it for
years. It is still IMO the finest macro lens on the planet and I have

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