Close-Up and Macro Photography

(lily) #1

Remote Release Trigger

Absolutely essential. You can’t touch the release button on the
camera button without affecting the shot, however slightly. Make
sure your camera can take a remote release, either tethered (cord)
or untethered (infrared). Don’t leave home without it.

Depth-of-Field Preview

Not available on all cameras, but I would not buy one without it.
Otherwise you have no idea of how much depth of field you have.
The best Nikon and Canon cameras have this.

Lens Focus-Throw

A lens with a focus throw equal or close to 360-degrees is
preferred. With focus stacking you want to take many photos
incrementally. If the focus throw (turn of the focus ring) is too short,
it is difficult to micro-inch forward. My favorite lens has a 720-
degree focus throw (two turns of the focus ring) and that is a real
pleasure to use. For action-sports it would be a liability – take too
long. For macro it is perfection.

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