Close-Up and Macro Photography

(lily) #1

rather than a lever-style release. They are expensive, but worth the

I can't say enough about using a geared head. It took me a short
time to get used to it, but once learned, I never went back to a ball
head. No reason whatsoever to do so.

With the Swiss-Arca Cube, I can exactly place the head where I
want it. There is no sag and no repeated positioning. Set it once
and there you have it. Need to tweak it? Just rotate the head a tiny
bit and there you are. As mentioned, once you get used to this
head, why would I ever use anything else, unless I am tracking a
moving target? I wouldn't.

Video Fluid Heads

This article is not about video, so I will spare you all of the advice
about them. In a word, I tend to use Miller video heads and Sachtler
video tripods. Perhaps I will write an article on video equipment, but
this is not that.

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