Close-Up and Macro Photography

(lily) #1

This is a horrible method and can take a very long time, going
outside and in, etc. It is easy to spend an hour doing this if you fail
to remove the dust you can’t really see well. This is a solution:

The best money I EVER SPENT in regard to this was to buy a
BriteVue Quasar Sensor Loupe which costs a whopping $88 but is
worth every penny. You can get them from VisibleDust. This is a 7x
round magnifier that fits over your open lens hole (when the lens is
off) and is lit by six bright LED lights. By looking through it you can
easily see every speck of dust on the sensor. What a relief to just
be able to see the dust devils!

No more taking photos endlessly. If you value peace of mind and
don’t want to be ritually humiliated by the previously-mentioned
process, just buy one. I know it is expensive, but you won’t regret it.
That said, here in general is what has to be done to clean a sensor.
Please refer to your camera manual for exact details. This is just an
overview so you know what you are up against and not a step-by-
stop instruction. The first thing is to place the LED sensor loupe you

bought on the camera and look inside. What is there? Is it a piece
of hair, tiny dust bunnies, or a gooey piece of pollen? With the LED
loupe you can see it all.

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