The Sudan Handbook

(Barré) #1
20 thE sudan handbook

SANU Sudan African National Union (formerly the Sudan African
Closed District National Union)
Sayyid (Ar.) religious title, bespeaking respect
SCP Sudan Communist Party
sharia (Ar.) Islamic law, or the sources of Islamic law (literally
‘the way’, ‘the path’)
shartay (Dagu or Kanuri language) hereditary chief responsible for
a dar
sheikh (Ar.) local tribal chief or head of a sufi order; can also refer
to a religious teacher or other person of social importance
silif Beja system of customary dispute resolution
SPLM/A Sudan People’s Liberation Movement/Army
SRRA Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Association (became
SRRC Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation Commission
Sudd extensive swamp in southern Sudan formed by the White
Nile (from the Arabic sadd – a blockage or barrier)
Sufi Follower of Sufism, Islamic mysticism
Sunni Branch of Islam that accepts the first four caliphs as the
rightful successors to the Muslim prophet Muhammad;
followers of this branch
Sunna the sacred practice of the Muslim prophet Muhammad
tariqa general term for a Sufi religious order
tembura spirit cult similar to zar
Tijaniyya Sufi order
TMC Transitional Military Council (created by senior officers,
and led by Siwar al-Dahab, after Nimeiri was overthrown
in 1985)
Turkiyya period of Turco-Egyptian rule in the Sudan, 1821–1885
Umma (Ar.) political party associated with supporters of the
Mahdi family
UNAMID United Nations–African Union Mission in Darfur
UNESCO United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural
The Sudan Handbook, edited by John Ryle, Justin Willis, Suliman Baldo and Jok Madut Jok. © 2011 Rift Valley Institute and contributors Organization


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