The Sudan Handbook

(Barré) #1
322 thE sudan handbook

Bashir who becomes the Chairman of the newly formed
Revolutionary Command Council. Northern opposition
parties, now in exile, form the National Democratic
Alliance. The Popular Defence Force is formally established
by decree.
1990 SPLA and NDA agree to work together. United States cuts
all aid to Sudan. Twenty-eight army officers accused of
planning an anti-NIF coup are executed; Bashir declares a
state of emergency and dissolves parliament. Idriss Déby
becomes president of Chad in military takeover.
1991 Fall of Mengistu, the SPLA’s main supporter, forces the
SPLA to evacuate its bases in Ethiopia. SPLA splits after
Riek Machar and Lam Akol, based in Nasir, announce the
overthrow of Garang and make clandestine contact with
Khartoum. SPLA mount an incursion, led by Daud Bolad,
into Darfur; Bolad captured and killed.
1992 Jihad is declared against Nuba supporters of the SPLM/A
at a meeting of regional governors in Southern Kordofan,
intensifying the war in the Nuba Mountains. Khartoum
mounts a successful offensive in the South retaking several
towns. William Nyuon splits from Garang and joins the
Nasir faction.
1993 SPLA–United is formed as anti-Garang coalition. After
appointing Omar al-Bashir president, the Revolutionary
Command Council is disbanded. The Inter-Governmental
Authority on Development initiates a peace process.
1994 Fighting among its Nuer supporters splits SPLA–United.
Riek Machar forms South Sudan Independence Movement/
Army. IGAD brings together rival factions of SPLA who
accept the Declaration of Principles and agree on the
separation of religion and the state, and self-determination
for the South. The SPLM holds its first National
Convention in Chukudum. Agreement between SPLA
and Umma Party recognizes the south’s right of self-
1995 SSIM/A fragments; many commanders rejoin SPLA.
Sudanese government is implicated in assassination
attempt on Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak in Addis

The Sudan Handbook, edited by John Ryle, Justin Willis, Suliman Baldo and Jok Madut Jok. © 2011 Rift Valley Institute and contributors


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