Intuitive Thinking As a Spiritual Path

(Joyce) #1
2 Intuitive Thinking as a Spiritual Path

that our inner experiences of the second question depend
upon how we view the first. I try to present a view of the
human being that can support all other knowledge. I also
attempt to show how this view fully justifies the idea of
freedom of the will, provided that one finds the region of
the soul where free will can develop.
Once achieved, this view can become part of the very
life of the soul itself. But no theoretical answer is given
that, once acquired, is simply carried as a conviction pre-
served by memory. Such an answer would have to be an
illusion, according to the style of thought underlying this
book. Therefore no such finished, closed-off answer is
provided here; rather, reference is made to a region of soul
experience in which, through the soul’s inner activity, the
question answers itself in a living way, always anew,
whenever a human being needs it. Once we have found
the region of the soul where these questions unfold, really
perceiving this region gives all that we need to answer
these riddles of life. Thereafter, we can journey further
through the depths and breadths of this life of riddles, as
need and fate provide. Indeed, with this region of soul ex-
perience, we seem to have located an insight that finds jus-
tification and validity through its own life, and through the
relationship of this life to the whole life of the human soul.
This is how I thought about the content of this book
when I wrote it out twenty-five years ago. Today as well,
I must characterize the book’s key thoughts in the same
way. At that time, I limited myself to saying no more
than is connectedin the strictest sense to the two root
questions described above. If anyone is surprised to find



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