Intuitive Thinking As a Spiritual Path

(Joyce) #1
260 Bibliography

II. Philosophy and Epistemology

The Boundaries of Natural Science. Spring Valley, NY: Anthro-
posophic Press, 1983.
The Case for Anthroposophy. London: Rudolf Steiner Press,
Goethean Science. Spring Valley, NY: Mercury Press, 1988.
Goethe’s World View. Spring Valley, NY: Mercury Press, 1985.
Human and Cosmic Thought. London: Rudolf Steiner Press,
Individualism in Philosophy. Spring Valley, NY: Mercury Press,
Mysticism at the Dawn of the Modern Age. Blauvelt, NY: Rudolf
Steiner Publications, 1960.
Philosophy and Anthroposophy. Spring Valley, NY: Mercury
The Redemption of Thinking. Spring Valley, NY: Anthroposophic
Press, 1983.
The Riddle of Man. Spring Valley, NY: Mercury Press, 1990.
The Riddles of Philosophy. Spring Valley, NY: Anthroposophic
Press, 1973.
Truth and Knowledge. Blauvelt, NY: Rudolf Steiner Publications,

  1. Also Truth and Science. Spring Valley, NY: Mer-
    cury Press, 1993.

III. Anthologies of Rudolf Steiner

McDermott, Robert (ed).The Essential Steiner. San Fransisco:
HarperSanFrancisco, 1984.
Seddon, Richard (ed).Understanding the Human Being: Selected
Writings of Rudolf Steiner. Bristol, England: Rudolf
Steiner Press, 1993.

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